Coaching for Teachers

Coaching for Teachers
Knowles coaching for math and science teachers is designed to support and address the specific needs of teachers. Our coaching offering includes three cycles of coaching, each with three stages: initiation, implementation and reflection for a total of 9-10 one-hour sessions with a Knowles-certified coach. Within a confidential one-on-one relationship, a Knowles coach supports the professional growth of an educator (the “coachee”) in their chosen area of focus by guiding them through individualized inquiry-based coaching cycles. Typically, coaching meetings are conversational, with the coach employing skills of deep listening, strategic paraphrasing, and asking questions to clarify, organize, and probe the coachee’s thinking. Knowles coaches effectively match their coaching stance (i.e., consulting, collaborative, and cognitive) to the needs of the coachee so that the coachee feels empowered to improve the educational experience of their students and sustain their love for the profession.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, school districts can hire Knowles to provide year-long coaches to teachers.
Yes, individual teachers can hire Knowles to serve as a coach.