Engineering Design

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  • Online Workshop
    Virtual-Icon Engineer-ize your Science Labs
    7:30PM – 9:00PM ET Free Zoom

    Let your existing science labs take center stage in engineering design challenges! Together we will unpack the engineering design process and map science practices and common classroom activities onto that process, and we’ll identify multiple points where your well-tested science labs can facilitate student-centered engineering design. You’ll leave with student-facing tools and a fuller sense of how to integrate engineering into your science classes.

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  • Online Course
    Virtual Icon Engaging Students in Engineering Design
    7:00PM – 9:00PM ET 25.00 Zoom

    Are you excited to help students explore real-world connections between math, science, and engineering, but worried that you already have too much content to cover? Engineering doesn’t need to be an “extra” in STEM -- instead it can be embedded into your current content teaching to promote relevance, engagement, and 21st century skills. Learn how to plan and facilitate engineering design challenges that inspire your students to learn and apply math and science concepts as they solve real-world problems. Participants will engage as learners in engineering design challenges that span STEM subject areas, and will develop skills for teaching engineering in your classroom. Using tools for developing your own design challenges, participants will build an NGSS-aligned framework for using the engineering design process in your classroom.

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  • Online Workshop
    Virtual-Icon Engineer-ize your Science Labs
    7:30PM – 9:00PM ET Free Zoom

    Let your existing science labs take center stage in engineering design challenges! Together we will unpack the engineering design process and map science practices and common classroom activities onto that process, and we’ll identify multiple points where your well-tested science labs can facilitate student-centered engineering design. You’ll leave with student-facing tools and a fuller sense of how to integrate engineering into your science classes. rn

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