The Knowles Academy offers state-of-the-art professional development experiences for teachers. All Academy courses are designed and facilitated by experienced teachers who understand the complexities of teaching in today’s world.

Through this Knowles Academy short course, School District of Philadelphia teachers will learn strategies and principles for establishing a classroom culture of effective and meaningful student collaboration through the clear and intentional setting of actionable norms—working persistently, communicating productively, and taking risks. Additionally, teachers will earn 1.25 hours of credit that will count toward their Act 48 professional development hour requirement, enjoy free pizza and get the chance to learn about a Fellowship opportunity that provides more than $50,000 in financial support for new high school math and science teachers over the course of the five-year program.

Equitable Group Work: Increase Access to Learning Opportunities with Actionable Norms

When students collaborate, they must integrate their knowledge of content with effective communication skills in order to solve meaningful and complex problems. But how can students learn to do this in ways that foster an environment of collaborative learning? In this Knowles Academy short course, teachers will learn strategies and principles for establishing a classroom culture of effective and meaningful student collaboration through the clear and intentional setting of actionable norms—working persistently, communicating productively, and taking risks. Facilitated by teachers with experience in teaching science using group tasks, this course will assist teachers in gaining the knowledge and confidence needed to implement effective group work in their classrooms. Additionally, teachers will earn 1.25 hours of credit that will count toward their Act 48 professional development hour requirement, enjoy free pizza and get the chance to learn about a Fellowship opportunity that provides more than $50,000 in financial support for new high school math and science teachers over the course of the five-year program.

Course Highlights

  • Discuss goals behind group work in the classroom and strategies to help students work together in a collaborative and meaningful way
  • Learn principles and techniques to support effective group work
  • Experience the role of actionable norms as a tool to promote effective group work by engaging in a task from a learner’s perspective
  • Receive access to shareable posters and materials to use in the classroom


  • 5:30 to 6:00 pm: Arrival/dinner
  • 6:00 to 7:15 pm: Equitable group work short course 
  • 7:15 to 7:20 pm: Knowles Teaching Fellowship overview
  • 7:20 to 7:30 pm: Questions/closing

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