Tag Name: teacher reflection

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Now on Teacher Voice: Changing CareersIn this episode of Teacher Voice: The Podcast, we talk with teachers who have come to teaching after having a different career. What was it that drew these career changers to the teaching profession?2020
Call and Response: What is Your Teacher Superpower?We asked teachers in the Knowles community to reply to this prompt: “We know that what the non-teaching world thinks of as teacher superpowers are not the superpowers we teachers know to be effective in the classroom. So, we want to know: What is your teacher superpower?” Here are their responses. 2020
Professional Development: Collaboratively Prototyping Science Classroom TasksWe self-organized a professional development experience to increase our skills in integrating engineering design and computational thinking tasks into our physics classrooms.2018
Transforming Collaborative Culture through Vulnerable Acts of Everyday LeadershipWhen my school colleagues and I started sharing our vulnerable moments, our departmental culture transformed.2018
From Public School to HomeschoolExperiences in my previous teaching position inform and strengthen my current work as a homeschooling parent.2018
Difficult Conversations in Support of LGBTQ+ StudentsDifficult, uncomfortable conversations improved school culture for LBGTQ+ youth after our newly-developed gay-straight alliance faced community opposition.2018
Call and Response: New Ideas for Your TeachingThis past summer, we asked teachers in the Knowles community to tell us: “What’s one thing you are going to try differently in your teaching this upcoming year?” Here are their responses.2018
From the Editors’ Desk: What is “Normal?”Reconsidering our ideas of what teaching “should be” and what it can be.2018
Now on Teacher Voice: Process, Process, ProcessIn this episode of Teacher Voice: The Podcast, Knowles Fellows discuss the crucial nature of collaborators in writing impactful stories. Join Kaleidoscope staff members as they explore the impact of a published article and discuss how writing can be an act of leadership.2018
Progressing Towards Mastery: Reflections on Implementing a Proficiency-Based Grading SystemHow would implementing proficiency-based grading shift our teaching practice?2018