Miles Borowsky

I want my students to remember that there is power in teamwork and community. Rarely in the real world are people asked to problem-solve without collaborating with others. I hope to utilize group work in the math classroom as a tool to promote collective problem-solving and teach my students how to function as members of a team.

Miles’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Mathematics

I grew up engaging in mathematics in its non-academic form: through card games, discount-hunting with my parents, or calculating the number of yards I had completed during a swim practice. I found these games and activities beautiful and exciting – I didn’t even think of them as ‘mathematical.’ Although the beauty in everyday mathematics first hooked me, I now understand mathematical literacy as a tool to help students and adults navigate challenges in our world. I hope to not only allow my students to experience curiosity and joy in the mathematics classroom but also develop their number sense and foster mathematical habits that will propel them forward.

Professional Experience

Miles has been a high school mathematics and SAT/ACT tutor for five years. As a secondary math teacher at Nashville School of the Arts in Tennessee, he completed his student teaching requirements, working with ninth- tenth, and eleventh-grade students. Miles also completed a K-12 ESL certification student teaching internship at Glencliff High School in Nashville, working with newcomer students, and was a summer teaching fellow at Breakthrough Collaborative in Philadelphia, teaching seventh-grade science.

Outside a classroom role, Miles has also spent the last two years as a Research Assistant for Project TAU on two analysis teams. His team investigated and wrote about how teachers can use different strategies to disrupt inequitable authority dynamics during mathematics group work.

Miles will start his first year teaching ninth grade Algebra at Paul Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., in the 2024-2025 school year.


Miles loves to do anything active in his free time, such as running, swimming, hiking, and playing tennis and pickleball. Miles has run two marathons. He spends as much time outside as he can.

Academic Background

  • Vanderbilt University (Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies)
  • Vanderbilt University (M.Ed. Secondary Education)