Anthony Stetzenmeyer

My favorite thing to see in life…and it’s mostly seen in a classroom, is that “A-ha!” moment…that moment when the light bulb goes on. When students get to that point where they say ‘Ohhhh, I get it!’ it’s like music to my ears!”

Anthony’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Chemistry

“Chemistry is the central science. It is everywhere around us. It explains how this world works…on a molecular level.”

Professional Experience

Prior to pursuing education as a profession, Anthony worked as a Graduate Assistant and an Adjunct Special Lecturer in the Chemistry Department at St. John’s University, in Queens, New York.

After gaining a great deal of content background in chemistry from higher level chemistry courses and research, in June of 2014 he pursued his life-long dream of teaching by entering the Secondary Master of Arts with Certification program at the University of Michigan.

Upon completion of the program, he accepted a full time chemistry teacher position at Belleville High School, in Belleville, Michigan. In addition to teaching, Anthony helps coach the Science Olympiad team at his school.


When Anthony is not teaching, he enjoys learning how to cook, reading interesting articles related to chemistry and education, and helping out at the University of Michigan’s School of Education to get the next generation of science teachers pumped and ready for the field! Also, as a way to unwind from the teaching work week, he also enjoys binge watching episodes of his favorite television shows and discussing them with friends and peers.  

Academic Background

  • University of Michigan (Master of Arts in Educational Studies)
  • St. John’s University (Master of Science in Chemistry)
  • St. John’s University (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry)